An RT Book Reviews Historical Mystery of the Year Nominee, Perfect in My Sight is "a tangy, sensuous historical romance with the added bonus of an excellent, suspenseful plot." (Rendezvous) What would you do if you believed someone you loved was murdered? Everyone suspected Peter Holland married Sar...
„Tanya Anne Crosby hat eine Geschichte geschrieben, welche die Seele berührt und für immer in unseren Herzen bleibt.“ Sherrilyn Kenyon New York Times Bestsellerautorin.Des Königs Liebling ist ein neues, nie zuvor veröffentlichtes Buch - der erste Band einer neuen Reihe von der New York Times...
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Entered, shared. Hoping to win a hard copy but an ebook would be good too. Sounds like a wonderful series.
Sounds like an exciting, wonderful book. Congratulations and thank you.
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I added the The Cornish Princess to my Goodreads bookshelf for extra credit in the giveaway. It sounds like a really interesting book.
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I added THE CORNISH PRINCESS to my WANT TO READ list on Goodreads!
Added to my Goodreads. This looks amazing!
Beautiful cover.