I Write Therefore I Blog…

Celebrating the Release of Lord of Shadows

  I know many of you have been waiting for Lord of Shadows. I know this because I got a slew of emails when I delayed the publication date by a month. The good news is that Lord of Shadows is done, and will be released on schedule on September 24, 2020. Yeah!...

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10 Great Reads I Recommend

Because I know people are struggling at home right now... I'd like to share a few books I've read recently that were just pure joy, no heaviness at all. I'm not including recent reads like White Fragility, no matter how amazing. Nor am I including romances, which...

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A Personal Note from Tanya…

I've talked about this before, but I wanted to take another moment to explain something to you because I feel it's so important. I was made aware of a scathing review on one of my titles. Who it came from and where it is isn't important; what is important is why. From...

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The Impostor & The Prince Series

The Prince & the Impostor series is now available as an author's preferred copy for the first time ever. Don't miss this sweeping Victorian, set in Scotland and London. Think Prince & the Pauper meets Robin Hood and you'll revel in this two-book series,...

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Official Video for Fire Song!

Set during the anarchy of King Stephen, amidst political intrigue, I've resurrected and reinvented the legend of Avalon, and history itself. "Homage paid to medieval England and Scottish historical romance WITH a sprinkling of magic... Perfect." - Whiskey & Wit...

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Happy (Early) Birthday to Me

I had to actually do the math because I’m at that age when I constantly slip into denial. Am I 55, or 56—surely not 57? But yep, I’m going to be 57 on June 5, and, while there was a time not so long ago that I worried I wouldn’t reach 55, I’m feeling better than ever,...

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