Have you read and enjoyed one of my books?

That already makes you a valuable member of Team Tanya. Thank you for trusting me to entertain you. It’s because of you and your support I’m able to follow my calling as a storyteller and bring you the stories you love to read. The best way a reader can help any author is to leave reviews for the books you’ve enjoyed. These days, reviews are cornerstones of the book industry, and not only that, it’s the best way YOU can help decide which books get written next. Yes, they are THAT important.

If you’ve read and loved one of my books, and want to help spread the word, I appreciate that more than you know. One great way to do this is through Facebook and Twitter. Simply tell everyone you finished a great book! And if you want to be more involved, you can join my ARC Review Team.

What exactly does the ARC Review Team do?

An ARC is an “advanced reading copy.”

This is not a “Street Team.” It is strictly an ARC review team. Of course, there aren’t any rules or regulations, but since this team was formed to provide reviews, if a member tends to become inactive, they will be removed to make room for more active members. And yes, of course, ARCs are FREE.

Is your ARC Team membership limited?

Yes, my ARC review team is currently limited, but if you apply and the group is full, you will be placed on a waiting list, next in line. Then when someone opts out, my assistant will contact you to let you know you’ve been added.

Do you ever give out review copies in other languages?

Yes! I do have translations in the works for German, Italian, French, Spanish, and Portuguese. And, occasionally, I do need reviewers for these languages as well. If you’re looking to be considered for ARCS in another language, please specify which language when you apply.

Do you want to Join Team Tanya?

Yeah! Simply fill out the contact form below. My assistant, Katherine Ward, will email you to let you know your status. If you have questions for Kate, you can email her. directly.

Help! I sent a request and never heard back!

If you sent this request at an earlier date and didn’t hear back, I had email server issues, which have since been corrected. Please, submit your request again. Even if there isn’t room for another member, my assistant will write back to let you know your status. So sorry for the inconvenience!

Choose at least one, but choose all that apply. You will only receive ARCs for genres you apply to review
Please note: There are only a limited number of spots on each review team. If we receive your name and there is a waiting list, you'll be including on the waiting list. Thank you for understanding.