Happy New Year’s, friends!
Just a few quick updates. First of all, as you can see, the website has a new look for 2019! Yeah! Let’s ring in the new year in style!
This is the first time in my entire 30-year career that I’ve ever had a New Year’s Eve book baby. A Winter’s Rose releases at midnight on December 30. And this is the last opportunity to take advantage of the preorder discount and save $1. Also, for those of you who prefer print; the paperback for A Winter’s Rose is available for purchase (surprise!).
I just sent out a newsletter chock full of gifts for subscribers, but here’s a chance to win a signed paperback of A Winter’s Rose. Good luck!
For those who have already purchased A Winter’s Rose and who are taking it to the top of the charts, my sincerest thanks.
„Tanya Anne Crosby hat eine Geschichte geschrieben, welche die Seele berührt und für immer in unseren Herzen bleibt.“ Sherrilyn Kenyon New York Times Bestsellerautorin.Des Königs Liebling ist ein neues, nie zuvor veröffentlichtes Buch - der erste Band einer neuen Reihe von der New York Times...
Despedaçada pela morte do pai na batalha de Tinchebray, a nobre normanda Chrestien de Lontaine planeja casar a irmã e depois buscar a proteção de um convento, jurando não pertencer a homem nenhum...Pelo menos dessa vez, Chrestien está profundamente feliz por seu pai ter sido tão protetor, poi...