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Celebrating the Release of Lord of Shadows
I know many of you have been waiting for Lord of Shadows. I know this because I got a slew of emails when I delayed the publication date by a month. The good news is that Lord of Shadows is done, and will be released on schedule on September 24, 2020. Yeah!
This finale was epic and bittersweet. I’m so sad to see the end of this series, but so thrilled over upcoming projects and can’t wait to share those with you. In the meantime, you’ll be thrilled to know that I’m doing a number of giveaways for the book release. Here’s what’s going on:
-If you haven’t yet added this book to your Goodreads, please take a moment to do that for me and tell your friends to do the same! You can find it here.
-Next, please join and share my Goodreads event. You can find that here. Be sure to keep your eyes on this spot, because the Goodreads giveaway will end up here, plus, I’ll give away 3 random $10 gift certificates for those who comment, like, and share the book and the event.
-Enter to Win $100 here.
-Stay tuned for the Goodreads giveaway (3 signed copies)
Lord of Shadows is now on all vendors (temporarily, so grab it while you can). Preorder links can be found here.
That’s it for now! Stay tuned for more news, and, in the meantime, stay safe and well!
10 Great Reads I Recommend
Because I know people are struggling at home right now… I’d like to share a few books I’ve read recently that were just pure joy, no heaviness at all. I’m not including recent reads like White Fragility, no matter how amazing. Nor am I including romances, which would be difficult, because I have so many amazing author pals I’d like to share. Here’s a list of just pure, joyful escapism. (And yes, I’m reading a lot of fantasy lately!)
In no particular order:
1. Circe by Madeline Miller https://amzn.to/33HC8aT
2. The Iron King by Julie Kagawa https://amzn.to/399O5Yb
3. The Guinevere Deception by Kiersten White
4. The Business of Blood by Kerrigan Byrne https://amzn.to/3baanu2
5. Bloodleaf by Crystal Smith https://amzn.to/2vE88QC
6. The Lost Queen by Signe Pike https://amzn.to/2UsR3l0
7. A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas https://amzn.to/33IDimE
8. The Black Witch by Laurie Forest https://amzn.to/399P1f9
9. House of Salt and Sorrows by Erin A. Craig
10. Dreamer’s Pool by Juliet Marillier https://amzn.to/3aaeIxd
Also, if you’d like to try one of mine, let me recommend The King’s Favorite, which you can actually get free with your Prime membership right now. And, it’s free to borrow in KU. https://amzn.to/3a7Fp5S
A Personal Note from Tanya…
I’ve talked about this before, but I wanted to take another moment to explain something to you because I feel it’s so important.
I was made aware of a scathing review on one of my titles. Who it came from and where it is isn’t important; what is important is why.
From time to time we’re fortunate enough to get our traditionally published books returned to us from the publisher (as was the case with the Impostor Series). However, when these titles are returned to us, we HAVE to publish it as a new title. The old ISBNs and books are removed for legal reasons, and new copies go up in their place, with new covers and often with revisions, again, for legal reasons. This time around (the first time ever), I decided to rename these books to the names I originally gave them when I sold them to Harlequin. However, I did keep the original titles in the series name, along with character names, and story descriptions, hoping that would be a red flag for those who have already purchased it (few enough as they were because I’ve always said these books were largely overlooked). I also announced their republication in my newsletter multiple times, and always take care to let readers know which titles have been previously published. There’s also a caveat in the book description and another on the copyright page of the book itself. Changing a title is NEVER meant to deceive anyone. I’m so very grateful that so many of you enjoy my work so much that you will automatically buy, but as with ALL products, it’s very, very important that you stop to read the product descriptions first. I will always tell you which books are new releases of old versions, and additionally, I’m available on social media to answer questions.
Additionally, in many cases, as with the sweet versions of my books (the only other circumstance I have ever changed titles), you will note on those product pages that I say something like XXX is the sweet version of XXX, and this is front and center so you can’t miss it (often the very first line). Additionally, you can recognize these titles by the “Sweet Reads” logo I give them, and, as another clue, I’ve added my daughter, who serves as the editor for these titles, a byline.
Please, please always read the product descriptions, and if you still have questions, send me an email. I’m always thrilled to hear from you.
Please don’t do this!
There’s so much exciting news coming up—the re-release of my little-known Impostor Series and my brand-new addition to the Daughters of Avalon series, Fire Song, due to be published September 24th. Also up for preorder is Book 5 of that series—Rhiannon! Woot! It’s getting hot!
So all that said, I really want to give you a heads up. I have not widely touted the Impostors as older books, because, I promise you, most of you have not read these. (Almost nobody has.) These are old Harlequin books, re-edited and re-launched under my own imprint. They are two of my very favorite historicals I’ve written, so please do put them on your TBR list!
But the re-release of these books begs me to remind you to PLEASE read descriptions. I’m so flattered when people are willing to buy my books without reading product descriptions, but please, please don’t do that.
For example, I’m still in the process of creating sweet versions of my classic books, and I make it clear in the book description every time I publish one of these, so you don’t accidentally purchase a title twice. And still, I randomly get an email from an angry reader, and this disheartens me, because I really try hard to make sure you get all the info you need. Not only does it make me feel bad, considering I’m doing this for you, it makes me feel bad for you as well, and it does make me reconsider the wisdom in creating these new editions.
So why am I revising some books?
Throughout the years, the one thing some fans have lamented was the strong language present in the original editions of my legacy books. Some readers also prefer not to read explicit love scenes, which are a signature of the period in which my legacy books were written. Also, keeping in mind that I didn’t want my own daughter to read my books until she turned 18, I remain sensitive to readers who wanted to experience my historical romances without compromising their personal values.
Bottom line: If you’ve already read The MacKinnon’s Bride (or any of my legacy books), the story itself will remain unchanged. There is no need to buy these books again. However, if you always wanted to buy a copy of one of my books to share with your daughter or niece, now you can. I will ALWAYS label these very clearly, so please, please, please be sure to read the description on all new books.
The titles are different; how can I tell these apart?
First and most important, while the titls are different, the character names are not. Also, in the description for each and every one of these titles, you’ll see in the very first line, in bold print, something like this, for example: “Page” is the SWEET edition of “The MacKinnon’s Bride” by Tanya Anne Crosby –revised by a New York Times bestselling author and her daughter. I also label most of them with a logo like this:
Also, for branding purposes, since my daughter, Alaina, does alter the voice slightly to fit a younger market, I have added her name to the byline and cover. You should be able to spot these Sweet Reads very easily. Additionally, I welcome any and all advice in regards to labeling these books so that you won’t be confused. You can email me at [email protected].
I so much appreciate that I have so many readers who will click the buy button the minute they see my name. I love you guys for trusting my storytelling so much that you don’t feel you need to know the nitty gritty details, but please, please read the descriptions so you don’t find yourself purchasing a second copy of a book you’ve already read.