Meet Team Tanya

Ever wondered who I rely on to publish successfully? This is my A to Z list, excluding assistants, webmaster and some editors, who work expressly on recommendations. Fortunately, throughout the past three decades, I’ve met and worked with some amazing talent. All the artists on this page are here because I’ve enjoyed working with them and I have found their talent and professionalism to be spot on. Please feel free to explore possibilities with them. After all, that’s why I’m providing this list–in the hopes of helping other writers grow in this business and to help highlight exceptional talent and resources I’ve had the pleasure of working with.

Caveat: All the talent on this page have comported themselves professionally with me. They have provided services or publishing tools to the best of their ability for me and I have no regrets having partnered with them. But this is a changing business, and some have greater strengths than others. So, please, before spending your hard-earned money on any new service, do your research to see if it’s right for you. If you’re scouting for talent, find out who all their clients are, and reach out to ask if they would recommend them as well.

Happy publishing!

P.S. This page is still under construction. Also, for a comprehensive list of the tools and services I have used, visit My Resources for Indies.

Meet My Editors

Alaina Christine Crosby

Alaina Christine Crosby

Co-Author | Proofreader | Editor

This talented lady is one I’m proud to say I’ve known since before she was born; because she’s my daughter. Alaina is my right hand gal. She helps me keep the publishing process smooth, helping with everything from proofreading, content editing. Plus, she’s my co-author on my sweet read books.

Rima Laham Jean

Editor | Artist

Rima is an exceptional writer herself, and she’s worked as an editor for Entangled Publishing as well as various other houses. But I met her through her artwork which is incredible in itself. This is one very talented lady I am fortunate to have on my team. She’s great with developmental editing.

Pamela Dougherty

Actress | Voice actress |Proofreader/Editor

I’ve had the pleasure of working with Pam under many circumstances. I discovered her talent during my days as the senior editor with and as the editorial director of a number magazines, I used her editorial expertise. If you need a proofer, she’s got eagle eyes. But Pam is multitalented and has also done audiobook narration as well.

Meet My Cover Artists


Cover Artist

A book cover artist AND writer who is originally from the US, but now permanently living in England. Her art is fantastical, and dreamy, with vivid colors and amazing paint.


Cover artist

I think by now everyone knows DamonZa. He and his artists do a very big-book look. Great stuff.

Claudia McKinney

Claudia from Phatpuppy Art Studios (what a cool name, huh?) has always been one of my favorite authors. Although I haven’t worked with her one on one, I stalk her pages often.

Dar Albert (Wicked Smart Designs)


Dar’s my go-to girl when I need–just about anything that has to do with graphic design. Her cover design is super versatile, and she’s got mad skills.

Sarah Hansen (Okay Creations)

Beautiful artwork and an amazing eye. Really great with branding for a series.

Teresa Spreckelmeyer

Cover Artist

Teresa’s one of those cover artists who’s just too good to share, but, okay, here you go. She’s actually turned me into a Facebook stalker!

Cora Bignardi (Cora Graphics)

Cover artist

I haven’t worked with Cora yet, but I stalk her page and I’m on her waiting list. Ubertalented is this one!

Meet My Narrators

James Gillies


Much of my narration has been performed by two narrators, and there’s a reason for that. James is my go-to-guy for all things Scottish, and anyone who has heard his storyteller quality voice might understand why. Especially in my later works, James really gives these stories a sense of wonder.

Laurel Schroeder

Like Marian Hussey, I could listen forever to Laurel’s voice. She brings to mind romance, fairy tales and all things… exquisite. She’s an on-camera and stage actor, voiceover talent, and there’s no wonder she’s so successful. She’s professional, cooperative and just lovely.

Braden Wright


Braden Wright is my other go-to-guy. His voice alone has won me new readers. He’s been called “sexy” and “dreamy.” Yup. It’s true. But on top of that, Braden is one of the most professional artists I’ve ever worked with and he goes above and beyond.

Ewan MacRae

Voice actor Ewan McRae, a.k.a. John Martin Byrne was my pick for a number of The Highland Brides. He’s got such a wide range, and I love that he’s not afraid to explore his feminine side–or rather, that of my characters. His female impressions are as good as his males’.

Marian Hussey


Marian’s voice is just delightful. I tend to skew toward male narrators (obviously) but there were a few of my stories that I felt really needed female narration. But that alone isn’t what drew me to Marian. I honestly can listen to her forever. She’s got one of those soft, proper English accents that makes even girls crush on her.

Roxanne Jean

Narrator (French)

Roxanne is a French Canadian voice-over actor for all applications. Although, I vet all my translators and narrators without fail, I might have hired her for the musicality of her voice alone. I don’t understand a word she’s saying, but I could listen to her talk on and on, regardless. She’s also extremely professional and a partner in every sense.

Meet My Translators

As with all my resources, unless I explicitly say so, the listings on this page aren’t a definitive endorsement. I’ve endeavored to list nearly all the translators I’ve used, and some, I simply don’t have enough experience with to give an endorsement. If I have had adverse experiences with a translator, they aren’t on this list. All the ones I’ve listed here have been professional, courteous and timely. But for the spirit of the translations, I count on reviews and readers to judge. I encourage you to do the research, and check all the translator’s reviews.

Ernesto Pavan

Translator (Italian)

Ernesto is always the professional and he’s a lightning fast translator. Worth every penny, and more. His lovely wife is his editor and proofreader, so he and Maria Idotta come as a team.

Elisabetta Bricca

Translator (Italian)

The thing I love most about Elizabetta is that she’s also a romance author in Italy. She was one of my first translators and tends to be super busy, and since her writing career appears to be taking off, her availability as a translator might be compromised, but she’s great to work with.

Antonella Albano

Translator & Editor (Italian)

Antonella has always worked with me as a proofreader/editor, but she’s wonderful, conscientious and always ready to help promote. I value her input. She worked as a proofreader and editor for several publishing houses of Puglia.


Rosa Losacco

Translator (Italian)

Sweet, and very professional, Rosa is a gem to work with. The only downside of working with her is that she doesn’t work with a proofreader/editor, and I prefer that these days.

Valeria D'Ellena

Translator (Italian)

I started with Vale on Babelcube and we’ve since moved over to a direct relationship, which only tells you how much I enjoy working with her. Vale also has access to audiobook creation for the Italian market as well as other services.

Elisa Pardini

Translator (Italian)

Elisa is very talented. A better question would be to ask: what doesn’t she do? She has a degree in European Languages and Literature, with a specialization in Literary Translation, and she has a Master’s degree in Audiovisual Translation. She works great in a team and loves books!

Emanuele Mattei

Translator (Italian)

Emanuele Mattei translated my contemporary fiction books. He speaks 5 languages and works as a translator full time.

Angelika Dürre

Translator (German)

Working with my German translators has given me the greatest joy, and none more so than Angelika. She’s a keeper, and the only reason I’m sharing her name here is because I respect her too much not to allow her the opportunity to pick and choose her projects. Otherwise, I’d hide her away and keep her to myself.

Irene Wieser

Translator (German)

They don’t come anymore professional than Irene. She comes as a team with Nina Waitz, and there is not one single complaint I could think up that would apply to them. They work beautifully together, complete a book when they say they will, and turn it in clean as a whistle. She’s also the one translator I’ve worked with who never guesses at my “meaning” in a story. She always asks. She also will not work on a book for an author she doesn’t love, so I feel very blessed to have worked with her and hope to continue as new books are written.

Anja Bauermeister

Translator (German)

Anja is a super woman! No kidding. She can be super picky about her projects these days because in the short year I’ve known her, she has taken the bull by the horns and started several related businesses, including promotions for German books. She also runs Indies Go German on Facebook. Add to that the fact that she’s the consummate professional and she’s priceless.

Michaela Bittner

Translator (German)

I know Michaela probably the least of all my German translators, but the one thing I know for certain is that her translations are spot on. How do I know? Reviews, of course. They always tell the story. Particular on Babelcube, Michaela prefers short stories, which I only have so many of.

Christina Löw

Translator (German)

I adore Christina. She’s worked with me now for quite a long time, mostly as the proofreader/editor on a great majority of my German titles. She’s been part of many teams, and the feedback I always get is that she’s a great partner. Now, I’m working with her as a main translator for many of my remaining titles, and I wonder if there’s anything she can’t do.

Emma Cazabonne

Translator (French)

Emma was the first translator I ever went direct with, and she was a consummate professional every step of the way. Together with Gaelle Davis, this is one amazing team. She’s translated the Guardians series and the Aldridge Sisters.

Lily Brittany

Proofreader (French)

Gaelle has worked with me on numerous projects as a proofreader for all of them and she’s become a valuable part of my ongoing publishing processes.

Angélique Olivia Moreau

Translator (French)

I stumbled on Angélique when she translated my mother’s non-fiction bio. She’s fast and her translations are very well received. Together, she and I are hitting the bestseller lists time and again! Yeah for us!

Nathalie Chaudun

Translator (French)

Of all my French translators, I know Nathalie the least, but only because she came onto the scene after most of my titles were already assigned. She’s lovely.

Yaiza Barrio Parra

Translator (Spanish)

Yaiza has been my go-to person for many of my Spanish editorial needs. Together with Patricia Parra, she translated the Aldridge Sisters series.

Maria Milla San Juan

Translator (Spanish)

Silvana Borghi

Translator (Spanish)

Elisa Pedraz

Translator (Spanish)

Nieves Martín López

Translator (Spanish)

Lola Fortuna

Translator (Spanish)

Tania Nezio

Translator (Portuguese)

Taís Paulilo Blauth

Translator (Portuguese)

Elaine Moreira

Translator (Portuguese)

Tainá Fernandes da Rocha de Araujo

Translator (Portuguese)

Lislaine M. Oliveira

Translator (Portuguese)

Miriam van der Veen

Translator (Dutch)

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