Book Table
A Sud della Morte (Italian Edition)

A Sud della Morte (Italian Edition)

"Suspense, segreti e scandali del Sud serviti come nessun altro!" - Harlan Coben, scrittore e autore del miglior bestseller nella classifica del New York TimesL'autrice di numerosi bestseller Tanya Anne Crosby ci riporta fra le vaste paludi e le fatiscenti piantagioni di Charleston, dove un terribil...

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A Very Sweet Highland Christmas Carol: Sweet Scottish Brides, Book 6

A Very Sweet Highland Christmas Carol: Sweet Scottish Brides, Book 6


"A Very Sweet Highland Christmas Carol" is the sweet/clean edition of MacKinnons' Hope by Tanya Anne Crosby. Please note, this is a not a stand-alone novel. It is a "super epilogue," written to complement Page and is best listened after listening to the entire series. 
Eleven years later, Hugh Fitz...

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Tell No Lies (An Oyster Point Thriller Book 3)

Tell No Lies (An Oyster Point Thriller Book 3)

"Crosby serves up suspense, secrets and Southern scandal like no one else!" —Harlan Coben, #1 New York Times Bestselling AuthorNew York Times bestselling author Tanya Anne Crosby returns to the salt marshes and crumbling plantations of Charleston, where a gruesome murder and kidnapping reawaken f...

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Leave No Trace: The Final Moments of Florence W. Aldridge (An Oyster Point Thriller Book 1)

Leave No Trace: The Final Moments of Florence W. Aldridge (An Oyster Point Thriller Book 1)

Less than 48 hours. That's how long Florence W. Aldridge has to live. Every event in a person's life is connected. The state of our lives, at any given time, is the sum of everything we have done and everywhere we have been. Our next decision determines, not merely where our lives end, but who we b...

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Niets dan goeds (Dutch Edition)

Niets dan goeds (Dutch Edition)

Tanya Anne Crosby, auteur van enkele New York Times bestsellers, licht een tipje van de sluier van de geheimzinnigheid die een zuidelijke familie in verval omhult. Ze verkent de levens van Caroline, Augusta en Savannah Aldridge, drie zussen die een duister verleden en een onbekende toekomst delen. ...

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Fuoco di Scozia (Guardiani della Pietra Vol. 1) (Italian Edition)

Fuoco di Scozia (Guardiani della Pietra Vol. 1) (Italian Edition)

Scozia, 1125, la Leggenda ha inizio...Per due secoli, il popolo di Aidan dun Scoti ha fatto la guardia al segreto più grande di Scozia, in attesa di un degno successore che posse unire i clan delle Highland. La sua gente è l'ultima dei "Dipinti", i guardiani della vera Pietra del Destino.Una Lotta...

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Anjo de Fogo (Portuguese Edition)

Anjo de Fogo (Portuguese Edition)

Despedaçada pela morte do pai na batalha de Tinchebray, a nobre normanda Chrestien de Lontaine planeja casar a irmã e depois buscar a proteção de um convento, jurando não pertencer a homem nenhum...Pelo menos dessa vez, Chrestien está profundamente feliz por seu pai ter sido tão protetor, poi...

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A Partir de un Beso (Spanish Edition)

A Partir de un Beso (Spanish Edition)

Esta traducion esta scrita en el dialecto de Argentina. Ella llegó para casarse con uno de los hermanos d'Lucy y le robó el corazón al Dragón... el otro hermano...Para finalizar una disputa, Dominique Beauchamp estaba resignada a casarse con el fin de sanar las heridas entre sus tierras. Ofreci...

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Al sur de la muerte (Misterios de Oyster Point nº 2) (Spanish Edition)

Al sur de la muerte (Misterios de Oyster Point nº 2) (Spanish Edition)

"¡Crosby sirve suspense, secretos y escándalos sureños como nadie!" —Harlan Coben, autor número uno de los más vendidos del New York Times.La autora de la lista de los más vendidos del New York Times, Tanya Anne Crosby, regresa a las pululantes marismas y a las derruidas plantaciones de Char...

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Nel Nome del Male (Italian Edition)

Nel Nome del Male (Italian Edition)

"Dà pericolosamente dipendenza" - Sherrilyn Kenyon, autrice di bestseller #1 del New York Times"La Crosby ci porta con impareggiabile maestria in un Sud pieno di suspense, segreti e scandali!" - Harlan Coben, autore di bestseller #1 del New York TimesRivelando i segreti più nascosti di una grande ...

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Der Zunge Gewalt (Aldridge-Schwestern-Krimi 1) (German Edition)

Der Zunge Gewalt (Aldridge-Schwestern-Krimi 1) (German Edition)

Die New York Times-Bestsellerautorin Tanya Anne Crosby lüftet den Schleier der Verschwiegenheit über einer einst bedeutenden Südstaatenfamilie und erkundet die Leben von Caroline, Augusta und Savannah Aldridge, drei Schwestern mit einer gemeinsamen dunklen Vergangenheit und einer unsicheren Zuku...

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Eine Winterrose (Die Töchter von Avalon 2) (German Edition)

Eine Winterrose (Die Töchter von Avalon 2) (German Edition)

Angesichts der düsteren Aussicht auf eine Zwangsheirat mit einem schwachen Günstling König Stephens nimmt Rosalynde, die aufsässige Tochter von Morwen Pendragon ihr Schicksal selbst in die Hand. Mit Hilfe des Zauberbuchs ihrer Mutter und einer gestohlenen Nonnenhaube verkleidet sie sich in eine ...

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Vertel geen leugens (Dutch Edition)

Vertel geen leugens (Dutch Edition)

"Crosby levert verhalen met spanning, geheimen en zuidelijke schandalen als geen ander!" —Harlan Coben, bestseller auteur New York Times-bestsellerlijstAuteur Tanya Anne Crosby, die al verschillende malen de bestsellerlijst van de New York Times heeft gehaald, keert terug naar de ongerepte moerass...

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Mischief & Mistletoe

Mischief & Mistletoe

“Tanya Anne Crosby writes remarkable love stories.” —New York Times bestselling author, Lisa Kleypas'Twas the Week Before Christmas ...Suspecting he can never be the man Emma Peters wishes him to be, Lucien Morgen, the fifth duke of Willyngham, decides to break off their long-standing engage...

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Once Upon a Highland Legend (Guardians of the Stone Book 0)

Once Upon a Highland Legend (Guardians of the Stone Book 0)

Embark on a journey into magical Medieval Scotland, to a time when the shadowy Picts are in danger of vanishing from the Highland tapestry, and Scotland itself will arise a nation from the ashes of betrayal.In the year 2014, American-born Annie Ross has gone through her entire life a bit lost. She'...

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Kissed by a Rogue

Kissed by a Rogue

RT Book Review BEST ALL-AROUND HISTORICAL ROMANCE OF THE YEAR Nominee. “Compelling tale ablaze with heartfelt characters who walk off the pages and into your heart. KISSED is a story to make your heart sing.” - RT Book ReviewsSwept from the aristocracy of England to The Colonies on the eve of w...

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Lord of Shadows (Daughters of Avalon Book 5)

Lord of Shadows (Daughters of Avalon Book 5)

The epic finale of the Daughters of Avalon! Medieval romance with a sprinkling of fantasy. "Perfect!” says Whiskey & Wit Book Reviews.Rhiannon’s destiny is fated from the moment of her birth. She and her dewine sisters must defeat an ancient evil, or Britain itself will go the way of Avalon. H...

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Highland Fire (Guardians of the Stone Book 1)

Highland Fire (Guardians of the Stone Book 1)

"Magical from the very start." —InD'Tale Reviews Embark on a journey into magical Medieval Scotland, to a time when the shadowy Picts are in peril of vanishing from the annals of history, and Scotland itself will arise as a nation from the ashes of betrayal.A Clash of Clans. From the Borderlands ...

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Fire Song (Daughters of Avalon Book 4)

Fire Song (Daughters of Avalon Book 4)

Medieval romance with a sprinkling of fantasy--"Perfect!” Says Kris Helt of Whiskey & Wit Book Reviews.Praised for her beauty and grace, deep down, Seren Pendragon fears a tempest rising inside her. Her mother is a witch, her sisters are in peril, and she has been promised to a beast of a man who...

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Das Lied des Feuers (Die Töchter von Avalon 3) (German Edition)

Das Lied des Feuers (Die Töchter von Avalon 3) (German Edition)

Eine mittelalterliche Romanze mit einer Prise Fantasy - „Perfekt!“, sagt Kris Helt von Whiskey & Wit Book Reviews.Seren Pendragon wird für ihre Schönheit und Anmut gepriesen. Sie spürt, wie sich tief in ihr ein Sturm erhebt. Ihre Mutter ist eine Hexe, ihre Schwestern befinden sich in Gefahr ...

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